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The Top 9 Cybersecurity Threats

The Top 9 Cybersecurity Threats

The Top 9 Cybersecurity Threats 06.12.2018Years ago the biggest cybersecurity threat came from a pop-up window or suspicious email asking you to share your social security number in exchange for a share of a Prince’s inheritance. Today there are...

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5 Common IT Investment Mistakes

5 Common IT Investment Mistakes

5 Common IT Investment Mistakes 06.05.2018As your business grows, it is common to look to invest in technologies that improve operations, productivity, and give you a competitive advantage. Implementing new or upgraded enterprise software, cloud...

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NY Sets The Precedent for Cybersecurity Regulations

NY Sets The Precedent for Cybersecurity Regulations

NY Sets The Precedent for Cybersecurity Regulations 05.28.2018In March 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) implemented 23 NYCRR 500, generally referred to as the New York Cybersecurity Regulation. Its aim is to encourage...

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Vendors Now Selling iPhone Hacking Technology

Vendors Now Selling iPhone Hacking Technology

Vendors Now Selling iPhone Hacking Technology 05.18.2018 Apple may no longer claim the title of “most secure mobile phone.” Law enforcement agencies have recently shown interest in iPhone encryption hacking software from two new vendors. In...

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Technology is a Hidden Competitive Advantage

Technology is a Hidden Competitive Advantage

Technology is a Hidden Competitive Advantage 04.24.2018Less than 2o years ago businesses were built without things like the Internet, smart phones, and tablets. Today businesses are inundated with technologies like robotics, Artificial intelligence...

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Strategic Investment Guide for Technology

Strategic Investment Guide for Technology

CFOs are looking for the best ROI. What will the money the company spends give back to the organization? Sometimes the ROI is clear: if you invest in a new sales employee, with a proven track record of success, they will bring new sales to the...

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