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Putting IT All Together

Putting IT All Together

How many different vendors are providing your IT services right now? Is there one vendor for software, another for servers, a virtual vendor for phones? The list can go on for IT services. But what if we told you that you could retire your rolodex...

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Don’t Let The Snow Shut Down Your Business

Don’t Let The Snow Shut Down Your Business

Just when we thought we'd escape winter with a reasonable amount of snow, Mother Nature changed her plans. Two snow storms in one week leaving over 2 feet of snow, ice, and mess. The most recent storm shut down Boston: cancelling school, activating...

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Why do you need to migrate to IaaS?

Why do you need to migrate to IaaS?

Datasmith's goal for 2017 is to remove the "veil of mystery" around cloud based IT solutions. For years companies have been handling IT services based on tangible products and services. It was easy to calculate how much your server would cost you...

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6 Ways IaaS Can Add Value To Your Business

6 Ways IaaS Can Add Value To Your Business

Last week we explained what IaaS is and how it works. This week we want to show you how IaaS can add value to your business. It's safe to say that by now everyone knows the cloud is here to stay. The various services that come with it are...

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What is IaaS?

What is IaaS?

Datasmith talks a lot about IaaS, Infrastructure As A Service, on our blog, social media sites, and with our clients. IaaS is the future of infrastructure. But what is IaaS and how does it work for business? This post is designed to provide an easy...

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2 Ways To Quickly Update Your IT

2 Ways To Quickly Update Your IT

Are you looking for a way to quickly update your current IT plan? Want to utilize your full 2016 IT budget? Are you tired of getting update reminders or dealing with out of date software? Is there a layer of dust on your office server? We have two...

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