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The Economic Census is Coming Next Month

The Economic Census is Coming Next Month

Did you know that the census measures more than just the civilian population? The US Census also creates an economic census report every 5 years. Every five years, the U.S. Census Bureau collects statistics about businesses that are help provide a...

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Protecting Your Business Data In Bad Weather

Protecting Your Business Data In Bad Weather

New England is no stranger to long, cold winters. In 2018 we had 3 powerful Nor'Easters that crippled homes and businesses for weeks. Your business data is critical to operations. Your CRM contains every contact you need to do business, close...

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Unleash The Power of The Cloud

Unleash The Power of The Cloud

Today's businesses need the scale and flexibility that cloud provides if they want to remain competitive. With the cloud becoming such a significant part of business today, it is no surprise that 85% of decision makers believe the cloud will be a...

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Datasmith Announces Microsoft Surface Authorization

Datasmith Announces Microsoft Surface Authorization

Datasmith Network Solutions is an authorized Microsoft Surface retailer. Datasmith received this authorization through its participation in the Trust X Alliance. The Trust X Alliance is a network of IT Service Providers whose mission is to enable...

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What Does Cybersecurity Look Like in 2018?

What Does Cybersecurity Look Like in 2018?

Bitcoin, the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe and the Internet of Things (IoT) are recent developments that will present security professionals with new challenges in 2018. That’s in addition to the usual challenges like malware, DDoS...

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