IBM recently released a startling new chart on cyber attacks in business. IBM’s research shows that 60% of all cyber attacks start with an inside job. That means your cyber attacker could be sitting in your office at this very moment. Out of the 60% only 15.5% of attacks happened by accident. This means someone inadvertently let the attacker in through channels like an email attachment, suspiciously link, or firewall error.

The remaining 44.5% were malicious attacks. This means that someone within the organization purposely started a cyber attack. While cyber attacks can be just an annoyance for larger companies, a cyber attack for a small to medium size business can cripple operations and even cease operations for good. As we increase activity in the digital world, it is more important now than ever before to be prepared.

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Photo Courtesy of Business Insider and IBM: Link Here.

There is no way to guarantee someone you hire won’t have malicious intent towards your organization. But you can protect your organization from potential threats by following these steps:

  1. Back-up your data. Using tools like Axcient, you can create a carbon copy of your business in the cloud. That way should an attack occur, you can quickly get your business back to operating utilizingĀ the Axcient back-up.
  2. Ensure Firewall and Anti-Virus software areĀ up to date. I know that you see those annoying pop-ups come across your screen asking you to update or scan your computer for malware. They may be annoying but closing them out without following their prompts can be dangerous. If you’re ever suspicious of an update or wondering if your firewall / anti-virus software is working, give us a call! We’re happy to check!
  3. Educate your workforce. Send out reminders to never open suspicious attachments or emails. Let them know if they are ever concerned about something, to reach out to the designated IT support employee. Education and awareness of common IT threats is one of the best defenses against attacks.

IBM surveyed 400 companies and found that the cost per data breach has risen 29% since 2013 with the cost per record approximately $138 to recover. The proper response plan for data breach can save you $400,000 according to IBM’s latest poll. Protect your business before it’s too late. Contact Datasmith to set up your prevention and response plan today.

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