HIPAA can be your worst nightmare if you don’t stay up to date on current practices and procedures. We have compiled 5 common HIPAA mistakes so that you can avoid them this year. Be sure to attend our event on November 4th to learn more about HIPAA compliance.

1) Failure to keep up with regulatory requirements.

There are standards that are required and others that are addressable. You are responsible for knowing the difference between the two and which apply to your practice.

2) Not having a documented security program.

The Office for Civil Rights wants to know how you implement a security risk assessment program. It is crucial to have a documented security awareness program. Everyone within the organization should be aware of the current security measures in place. Documenting that the plan is in place and communicated across the organization is a common mistake we see practices making.
3) Assumptions with your contractor and subcontractor agreements.

Any outside party that does business with your practice falls under your responsibility. You need to have a documented business associate agreement that clearly states the chain of responsibility.

4) Having a reactive approach to audits.

We see far too many businesses wait until someone from the outside comes in to audit them instead of preventatively auditing their compliance standards and procedures. Auditing and reporting on activity regularly will help when audited in the future.


5) A checkbox approach to compliance.

You want to get away from a checklist for compliance standards. Security and compliance go hand in hand. Switching to a risk-based security approach will help ensure you cover more compliance areas.
We understand how confusing and time-consuming HIPAA compliance can be. Datasmith is here to help get your business compliant while helping you adopt current technology that can improve your business’ efficiency and bottom line. Be sure to join us on 11/4 for more information on compliance! Read more about this FREE event here.

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