Cybersecurity & Credit Unions


What does it take to swiftly and effectively neutralize security threats and adapt safeguards to address potential infiltration attempts? Our immediate answer is you need a multi-layered security approach! Let’s take Credit Unions for example…

According to a recent warning issued by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), Credit Unions need to be on high alert for cyberattacks, including ransomware and supply chain attacks. These attacks pose a massive threat to financial organizations as sensitive information can be breached, operations brought to a halt, and a credit union’s reputation tarnished. They are at risk for account takeovers, payment card fraud, mule accounts, and so much more.

That’s why it’s important that they do everything in their power to reduce their risk and remain compliant, which is where a multi-layered cybersecurity approach comes into play. It provides defense to the rise of hackers, minimal chances for data breaches, and peace of mind!

 With a multi-layered approach your organization can rely on application security, business continuity, critical infrastructure, cybersecurity awareness trainings, data backup, disaster recovery, multi-factor authentication, and network security to form a complete cybersecurity posture.

 After a quick review of some recent cybersecurity statistics, you’ll have a better understanding of this approach:

  • According to Dark Reading, businesses suffered 50% more cyberattack attempts per week in 2021.
  • Accenture noted that 43% of cyberattacks aim at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.
  • Cloudwards shared that ransomware cost the world $20 billion in 2021; expected to rise to $265 billion by 2031.
  • 2021 saw the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years, at $4.24 million, according to an IBM.

The best defense is a good offense; and that’s exactly what our Security Operations Center as a service (SOCaas) provides, it’s the Datasmith Difference! From cloud monitoring and compliance to endpoint visibility and network inspection to log analysis & search to threat intelligence; our SOCaas grows as your security needs to.

At Datasmith, we keep our eyes on the future. Keeping your business sage requires customized, proactive solutions designed to adapt and meet your daily needs. We take pride in being able to deliver the most cutting edge, cost-effective, dependable IT services that allow you to focus on what matters to you: your business! If you’re looking for no nonsense, great IT or just wanted to learn more about our cybersecurity solutions, contact us today!


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